What if Petroskoi, Karjala, had better public transport?
Karjala (Karelia) is a northern Russian region bordering Finland. Its capital, Petroskoi (Petrozavodsk) has a population of about 250,000, but its current public transportation system leaves much to be desired. There are two modes of transportation available: small, uncomfortable privately-owned buses (marshrutkas) and some trolleybuses. Historically, there were passenger boat lines across the bay, but these have been long closed for good, as has the city's old airport. This project was inspired by this transit map for Bergen, Norway, a city similar to Petroskoi in both population size and geographic location: https://www.skyss.no/globalassets/reise/linjekart/bergenhovedlinjer-2022-04-19.pdf
My goal was to explore two ideas:
Dictionary used for translation: https://avtor.karelia.ru/elbibl/slovari/russko-karelsky_slovar/356/index.html